Mara is a bilingual, gifted life coach and relationship advisor with a passion for helping others foster meaningful relationships. Combined with her career experience of successfully navigating a fortune 100 company for 25+ years and a B.S. in business management, gives Mara a complete understanding of all sides of the Home/Work/School equation that encompass our lives.
Mara's training and areas of expertise focus on understanding human behavior and applying that knowledge to achieve your desired results.
Her coaching allows Mara to help you connect to:
Mara has a unique perspective in the realm of relationships. With her years of experience, Mara will help you learn the fine art of negotiation, influencing, and achieving consensus with others.
Life Coach & Relationship Advisor
Mara Alvarez
Asking Mara
Xiomara Alvarez
Certified Life Coach
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
A.A. B.S. Business Management